Over the past three years, and now evident from my newly rearranged image galleries, drone photography has unquestionably become the prominent photo activity in my portfolio. These can be viewed via DRONE HIGHLIGHTSANDALUSIA WITH DRONE and NAMIBIA FROM THE AIR, which also include some images taken from small aircraft, helicopters and hot-air balloons. During 2024, once again I spent a large period of time in Namibia, exploring and photographing this fascinating country, so please check out the overall updated gallery HIGHLIGHTS NAMIBIA.

Drone Highlights 012Highlights Namibia 016


There was no way to resist a third call of the Kalahari … Consequently, during 2019, another long travel brought me back to the magic red sand dunes of this extraordinary place. The images taken on this new trip enriched my already existing photo material and the updated Kalahari gallery can be viewed … here.

Please have a look on the PDF of my photo story on the pdfKalahari PDF.




After my first photo travel to Havana some years ago, I knew that it was only a question of time for me to return and explore the whole country. Early in 2020 the moment arrived and during a six-week road trip I visited the most remote corners of this tropical island with its remarkable people. This link takes you to the rearranged image gallery on Cuba.
The complete PDF on my recently published photo story on Cuba is accessible here pdfPDF.


Drone Photography

2020 was also the start of a new adventure, namely drone photography. A fascinating world opened up to me and I believe it will be my dominant photo activity in the coming years. Images in this newly created web gallery currently are limited to Spain, but subjects certainly will broaden up in the future. You can view some of the results on this link.



A seemingly boundless sea of red sand dunes, with a scattering of yellow desert grass and majestic Camelthorn trees, and patrolled by its guardians; the three big cats - Lion, Leopard and Cheetah - is what goes to make this place so spellbinding to its visitors. It is at nightfall that the desert reveals her most coveted secrets, when under a glistening star lit sky, the awe-inspiring roars of the black-maned Kalahari lion interrupt the silence of the wilderness.

I have visited the Kalahari Desert, or to be precise the Kgalagadi Transfrontier Park, between South Africa and Botswana, on two occasions now. My first visit took place during the peak of the dry season in August and September whilst the second one was in the rainy months of January/February, equivalent to the hot summer of the southern hemisphere.

Both trips now can be viewed on this link.

The photo story of these travels has recently been published in the German magazine Terra. A complete PDF of this article can be found pdfhere.

kalahari desert


Early September 2014. Maun. Botswana. The first two well in advance pre-booked helicopter flights into the Okavango Delta have been sensational. The decision to go for another two flights was an easy one and after eight hours altogether over the Okavango Delta, 5000 images have been taken. Chris from Helicopter Horizons (www.helicopterhorizons.com) was the perfect pilot for a demanding photographer.

Please view a selection of images on this link.

OkavangoChris and his helicopter

Río Tinto and the King of Hams: Keeping up with photo travels in Andalusia. Most recently two photo trips took me to the beautiful Sierra de Aracena in the Huelva province. On its southern flank lie eminently photogenic odd landscapes, created by the oxidized iron minerals of the Río Tinto and open-cast mineworkings, while further north, near the towns of Aracena and Jabugo, is ham country. One of the finest "jamón ibéricos" come from here, nice to be photographed, delicious when eaten.

Ask for images at Esta dirección de correo electrónico está siendo protegida contra los robots de spam. Necesita tener JavaScript habilitado para poder verlo. and check this link for the Andalusia Highlights.

Río TintoAracena